
76 pages 2 hours read

Ibram X. Kendi, Jason Reynolds

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You

Nonfiction | Book | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Section 2Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Section 2: “1743-1826”

Chapter 5 Summary: “Proof in the Poetry”

Reynolds moves on to the Age of Enlightenment in the mid-1700s. This movement was largely intellectual, stressing new modes of modern thinking emblemized by men like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. According to Reynolds, the public faces of the movement were “[t]hinkers. Philosophers. And…racists” (42).

The main case study in the chapter is Thomas Jefferson. Reynolds writes that he “might’ve been the world’s first White person to say, ‘I have Black friends’” (42), because he maintained personal relationships with Black people he probably considered friends while failing to rectify his own serious racist actions, like enslaving laborers on his Virginia plantation.

Jefferson and his peers thought frequently and critically about race. Amid steadfast assumptions about Black inferiority, academics studied “exceptional” Black people like Phillis Wheatley, who entered a white family as a captive but learned to read Greek, Latin, and English and became a rather prolific though unpublished poet. While racism and misogyny blocked her from publishing, she shattered ideas about Black mental unfitness for intellectual pursuits. This realization bred assimilationist racist ideas based on the premise that “Black people weren’t born savages but instead were made savages by slavery” (46). Popularized by the Philadelphia physician Benjamin Rush, this idea cast slavery as a damaging, dehumanizing institution. British commentators started to condemn American slavery. The divergent thinking about the character of the American slavery system would be a significant wedge in the revolutionary era.

Chapter 6 Summary: “Time Out”

This two-page chapter serves as “a quick recap of racist ideas (so far)” (50). It lists climate theory, curse theory, polygenesis, inherent African savagery, the equation of dark (black) with evil and light (white) with good, the role of American slavery in creating African savagery, and, one more time for emphasis, African savagery.

By presenting the first 50 pages of the book in a numerical list, Reynolds drives home the major patterns of the history of racist ideas in America—particularly that commentators invented and continually sought to explain the myth of an inherent savagery in Black people.

Chapter 7 Summary: “Time In”

At one sentence, this is the shortest chapter in the book. It reads, “Africans are not savages” (53).

Chapter 8 Summary: “Jefferson’s Notes”

Reynolds addresses the American Revolution by emphasizing the rhetoric produced in founding documents, particularly the statement made by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence that “All men are created equal.” The implications of this statement in a place where only white land-owning men could vote or hold office were huge; who constituted men and what constituted freedom were decidedly unclear.

Jefferson’s writings reveal the contradictions in his racial ideology. He simultaneously denounced slavery as cruel and inhumane yet upheld it as a viable economic system. In Notes on the State of Virginia, Jefferson “expressed his real thoughts on Black people. Uh-oh” (57), writes Reynolds. In that text, Jefferson articulated Black inferiority and denied Black people’s ability to ever ascend intellectually and socially. He insisted that creating a class of free Black people would invite a race war aimed at extermination. Instead, he suggested that the enslaved Black population in the US should be sent to Africa.

These ideas developed at a time when constitutional delegates decided to formally count any Black body as three-fifths of a person. Meanwhile, a successful 1791 revolution in Haiti won enslaved Africans freedom from French colonizers. While the Haitian Revolution spread hope to enslaved Africans elsewhere, it also spread dire fear to enslavers like Jefferson that they too could face violent revolt.

Chapter 9 Summary: “Uplift Suasion”

In another short chapter, one that Reynolds says is “a just so you know” (65) for the reader, the author introduces the concept of uplift suasion. Uplift suasion is a racist idea that tells Black people to live “respectable lives” and through an example of upstanding behavior, appearance, and morality, defy negative stereotypes about Black people. Though aimed at eventually achieving equality, the strategy signaled that “Black people couldn’t be accepted as themselves, and that they had to fit into some kind of White mold to deserve their freedom” (65).This assimilationist ideal carried great weight and enjoyed hints of success in the 1790s. It would remain influential long afterward.

According to Reynolds, uplift suasion centers on diminishing the Black individual to enhance the comfort of white society. It silences Black voices and culture to erase the projected threats that white society perceives in Black bodies and Black action. It is not an empowered approach to existence.

Chapter 10 Summary: “The Great Contradictor”

Enslavers had reason to fear widespread slave revolt. Reynolds cites a sabotaged 1800 revolt in Virginia that would have potentially upended the system within the state. Even with the revolt stopped in its tracks by a militia and its leader hanged, the attempt “made slave owners nervous. As it should’ve” (70). A viable solution for many of these fearful white enslavers was colonization, an idea Jefferson articulated in his Notes that involved deporting Black people to Africa and the Caribbean. Antislavery advocates even formed the American Colonization Society to lead the charge and to espouse the importance of freed and educated Black people saving and civilizing the supposedly ruinous African continent through their influence. The idea flopped among free Black people, who “didn’t want to go ‘back’ to a place they’d never known” (71).

When Jefferson became president, slave trading in the US shifted from a largely transatlantic model to a domestic model. This was not an improvement. Traders divided families and marched enslaved people across the Southern interior to new, labor-intensive plantations. Enslavers created the next generation of American slaves by forcing procreation so the system could reproduce itself without the need to trade for enslaved adults.

As the US recognized new states and admitted them to the union as either slave or free states, the controversy surrounding zones of slavery intensified. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state to keep the balance, divided along a North-South axis. The Western lands obtained through Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase were slowly added as territories and states. Jefferson envisioned those spaces as opportunities for internal slave colonization. He held onto his contradictions concerning slavery until he died on July 4, 1826. Reynolds characterizes Jefferson as a man who “knew that all men are created equal” but who “couldn’t rewrite his own racist ideas” (78).

Section 2 Analysis

This section addresses history in the time shortly before and after the American Revolution. The revolutionary period and the developments in the early Republic provide an origin story that readers continue to recognize today. With Thomas Jefferson at the center of the section, Reynolds revises the mainstream story of heroic Founding Fathers committed to freedom and equality. He draws out the complexity in the Founding Fathers’ vaunted Enlightenment philosophy by stressing Jefferson’s contradictions about slavery, antislavery, government, and colonization. The section therefore provides insight into the founding of a nation that would continue to be steeped in racist ideology for centuries.

As Reynolds works through the history rapidly, he pauses the story to recap and reiterate the biggest-picture take-aways in a few very short chapters. These moments deliver on the promise that Stamped isn’t a typical history book and break up a detailed narrative with quick reference lists and blunt reality. In the chapter that simply reads, “Africans are not savages,” Reynolds uses direct affirmations to address the ongoing destructiveness of the racist ideas detailed in the book. Such a simple statement, “Africans are not savages,” stands in contrast to the published works of hundreds of mostly white historical figures that shaped the trajectory of the United States. The point of the entire book is to illuminate how racist ideas endured for centuries and continue to plague our society, meaning that all of these hundreds of years later, antiracists still need to remind a general public that savagery is a projected and false racist stereotype.

Whereas the first section of the book concerned efforts to establish and safeguard the system of slavery on the American continent, the second section takes up threads of justifications and efforts to end the institution. Colonization emerged as the favorite solution among antislavery white people, though the commitment to ship away Black people was itself racist, part of the segregationist school of thought. Meanwhile, slave insurrections and localized rebellions planned and carried out by enslaved people themselves loom in the periphery. We learn about the triumph of freedom in Haiti, but the slavery system survives in the United States because there are so many efforts to “protect White lives” (70). It is important to understand philosophical engagement with slavery and antislavery at the time in this context because publicized opinions were more concerned with economic stability and white safety than Black humanity. Antislavery ideology was not necessarily antiracist. This is a dynamic that continues in later decades.

Although the narrative does not yet reach the Civil War period in this section, readers can sense the seeds sewn for political and social conflict, particularly in the expansion of slavery into Western territories and the forced perpetuation of slavery through domestic trade and procreation. Though increasingly controversial, the system continued to grow on the eve of warfare. 

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